Publications |
Dissertation Heavner, Matthew J., Optical Spectroscopic Observations of Sprites, Blue Jets, and Elves: Inferred Microphysical Processes and their Macrophysical Implications, University of Alaska Fairbanks, May 2000. (pdf version only)
SEARCH, Heavner, Matthew James; Cravhallo, Qaulluq; Apassingok, Merle; Baker, Miles; Berman, Matt; Ditty, Hannah; Kertulla, Beth; Kling, George; Rookok, Bryan; Schaeffer, Jackie Qatalina; Shahbazi, Alex; Schultz, Alexandra; Wiese, Francis K; Wong, Gifford, Economics of Sustainable Energy in Rural Alaska, Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, (submitted), LA-UR-24-30897.
SEARCH, O. Ahkinga, E. Alexander, M. D. Apassingok, B. Baker, M. Baker, M. Berman, M. Blair, E. Bloom, N. J. Burns, A. E. Copenhaver, E. Q. Cravalho, J. Donatuto, K. Dunton, S. V. Fletcher, E. Froehlich, J. C. George, C. Harris, M. Heavner, M. Hoffbeck, M. Holland, M. T. Jorgenson, B. P. Kelly, E. Kerttula, G. W. Kling, C. W. Koch, L. Landrum, S. Lange, M. K. Lukin, E. Marino, V. K. Metcalf, C. Nunn, R. Pincus, P. Pungowiyi, M. Robards, J. Q. Schaeffer, A. Shahbazi, A. Shultz, D. T. Turner, J. E. Walsh, F. Wiese, and G. Wong, Consequences of Rapid Environmental Arctic Change for People, Arctic Report Card 2022, DOI: 10.25923/kgm2-9k50.
Kosar BC, MacDonald EA, Case NA, Heavner M, Aurorasaurus Database of Real-Time, Crowd-Sourced Aurora Data for Space Weather Research, Earth and Space Science, Vol 5, Issue 12, December 2018, DOI: 10.1029/2018EA000454.
MacDonald EA, Donovan E, Nishimura Y, Case NA, Gillies DM, Gallardo-Lacourt B, Archer BE, Spanswick EL, Bourassa N, Connors M, Heavner M, Jackel B, Kosar B, Knudsen DJ, Ratzlaff C, Schofield I, New science in plain sight: Citizen scientists lead to the discovery of optical structure in the upper atmosphere, Science Advances, Vol 4, No 3, p eaaq0030, 2018, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aaq0030, LA-UR-18-29256.
MacDonald EA, Case NA, Clayton JH, Hall MK, Heavner M, Lalone N, Patel KG, Tapia A, Aurorasaurus: A citizen science platform for viewing and reporting the aurora, Space Weather, Vol 13, No 9, p 548-559, 2015, DOI: 10.1002/2015SW001214
Case NA, MacDonald EA, Heavner M, Tapia AH, Lalone N, Mapping auroral activity with Twitter, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol 42, No 10, p 3668-3676, 2015 DOI: 10.1002/2015GL063709
Heavner MJ, DR Fatland, E Hood, C Connor, SEAMONSTER: A Demonstration Sensor Web Operating in Virtual Globes, Computers & Geosciences (2010), 10.1016/j.cageo.2010.05.011, arXiv:0906.2611v2 [physics.geo-ph], PDF.
Heavner MJ, JS Morrill, C Siefring, DD Sentman, DR Moudry, EM Wescott, EJ Bucsela, Near-ultraviolet and blue spectral observations of sprites in the 320-460 nm region: N2 (2PG) emissions, J. Geophys. Res., 115, A00E44, doi:10.1029/2009JA014858, 2010, arXiv:1002.3949v1 [physics.geo-ph], PDF.
Siefring, CL, JS Morrill, DD Sentman, and MJ Heavner, Simultaneous Near-Infrared and Visible Observations of Sprites and Acoustic Gravity Waves During the EXL98 Campaign, J. Geophysical Research (2010), 115, A00E57, doi:10.1029/2009JA014862, 2010. PDF
Heavner, MJ, DR Fatland, E Hood, C Connor, TL Hansen, MS Schultz, T LeFebvre, and A Esterline, Sensor Webs in Digital Earth: Monitoring Climate Change Impacts, Chapter in Proceedings of the 2007 National Conference on Environmental Science and Technology,in Uzochukwu, Schimmel, Chang, Kabadi, Luster-Teasley, Reddy, Nzewi (Eds.), (2009), pp211-218, doi:10.1007/978-0-387-88483-7_28, Springer.
Sato T, S Miuraa, Y Ohtaa, H Fujimotoa, W Sun, CF Larsen, M Heavner, AM Kaufman and JT Freymueller, Earth tides observed by gravity and GPS in southeastern Alaska, J. Geodynamics, 46 (3-5), pp 78-89, doi:10.1016/j.jog.2008.03.004, 2008. PDF
Jacobson, A R, R Holzworth, E Lay, M Heavner, and D A Smith, "Low-frequency ionospheric sounding with Narrow Bipolar Event lightning radio emissions: Regular variabilities and solar-X-ray responses," Ann. Geophys., 25, 2175-2184, 2007. doi:10.5194/angeo-25-2175-2007 PDF
Sato T, S Miura, H Fujimoto, W Sun, M Kaufman, R Cross, JT Freymueller, and M Heavner, "Geodetic measurements for monitoring rapid crustal uplift in southeast Alaska caused by post-glacial rebound: Observation of Gravity Tide at Juneau in Southern Alaska," Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Global Changes: Connections to the Arctic, Fairbanks, Alaska, Feb 19-20, 2007.
Shao, XM, and MJ Heavner, "On the VLF/LF Radiation Pulse Shapes at the Initial Milliseconds of Lightning Discharges," IEE EMC Zurich Symposium, Singapore (peer reviewed conference proceedings), Feb 25, 2007.
Shao, XM, and MJ Heavner, "Physical Implication of VLF/LF Radiation Pulses in the Initial Milliseconds of Lightning Discharges," IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2006, 10.1109/EMCZUR.2006.214956, PDF
Jacobson A. R, and M. J. Heavner, "Comparison of Narrow Bipolar Events with ordinary lightning as proxies for severe convection," Monthly Weather Review, Vol. 133, p 1144-1154, 2005. LA-UR-04-1530, doi:10.1175/MWR2915.1. PDF.
Smith D A, M J Heavner, A R Jacobson, X M Shao, R S Massey, R J Sheldon, and K C Wiens, "A method for determining intracloud lightning and ionospheric heights from VLF/LF electric field records," Radio Science, Vol. 39, No. 1, RS1010, 10.1029/2002RS002790, 05 February 2004, LA-UR 02-5947. PDF
Suszcynsky, DM and MJ Heavner, "Narrow Bipolar Events as indicators of thunderstorm convective strength," Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 30, No. 17, 1879, 10.1029/2003GL017834, 03 September 2003. PDF
Sentman, DD, EM Wescott, RH Picard, JR Winick, HC Stenbaek-Nielsen, EM Dewan, DR Moudry, FS Sao Sabbas, and MJ Heavner, Simultaneous Observation of Mesospheric Gravity Waves and Sprites Generated by a Midwestern Thunderstorm, JASTP, 65, 5, doi:10.1016/S1364-6826(02)00328-0, 2003. PDF, HTML.
Bucsela, E, J Morrill, M Heavner, C Siefring, S Berg, D Hampton, D Moudry, E Wescott, D Sentman, N2(B3PIg) and N2(A2PIu) Vibrational Distributions Observed in Sprites, J of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 65, 5, p 583-590, 2002, DOI: 10.1016/S1364-6826(02)00316-4. PDF
Heavner, MJ, DA Smith, AR Jacobson, and RJ Sheldon, "LF/VLF and VHF Lightning Fast Stepped Leader Observations," JGR-Atmospheres, LA-UR-01-3635, V. 107, No. D24, 4791, doi:10.1029/2001JD001290, 2002, PDF
Morrill, J, E Bucsela, C Siefring, M Heavner, S Berg, D Moudry, S Slinker, R Fernsler, E Wescott, D Sentman, and D Osborne, Electron energy and electric field estimates in sprites derived from ionized and neutral N2 emissions, Geophys. Res. Let., 29, 10.1029/2001GL014018, 28 May, 2002, PDF
Sentman, DD, HC Stenbaek-Nielsen, EM Wescott, MJ Heavner, DR Moudry and FT Sao Sabbas, "Effects of Lightning on the Middle and Upper Atmosphere: Some New Results," in Space Weather Study Using Multipoint Techniques, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Volume 12, pp 267-274, Pergamon Press, New York, 2002. doi:10.1016/S0964-2749(02)80228-1 PDF
Smith, DA, KB Eack, J Harlin, MJ Heavner, AR Jacobson, RS Massey, XM Shao, and KC Wiens, The Los Alamos Sferic Array: A research tool for lightning investigations, J. Geophys. Res., 107(D13), 4183, doi:10.1029/2001JD000502, 2002. PDF
Wescott, EM, HC Stenbaek-Neilsen, DD Sentman, MJ Heavner, DR Moudry, and FT Sao Sabbas, Triangulation of sprites, associated halos, and their possible relation to causative lightning and micro-meteors, JGR, 106, A6, 10467-10477, June 1, 2001, doi:10.1029/2000JA000182, PDF.
Wescott EM, DD Sentman, HC Stenbaek-Nielsen, P Huet, MJ Heavner and DR Moudry, New Evidence for the Brightness and Ionization of Blue Starters and Blue Jets, JGR, 106, A10, 21549-21554, 2001, doi:10.1029/2000JA000429, PDF.
Heavner, MJ, DD Sentman, DR Moudry, EM Wescott, CL Siefring, JS Morrill, and EJ Bucsela (2000), Sprites, blue jets, and elves: Optical evidence of energy transport across the stratopause, in Atmospheric Science Across the Stratopause, Geophys. Monogr. Ser., vol. 123, edited by DE Siskind, SD Eckermann, and ME Summers, pp. 69-82, AGU, Washington, D. C., doi:10.1029/GM123p0069. PDF HTML
Morrill, JS, EJ Buscela, VP Pasko, SL Berg, WM Benesch, EM Wescott, and MJ Heavner, Time resolved N2 state vibrational populations and emissions associated with red sprites, JASTP, 60, 811-829, (1998), doi:10.1016/S1364-6826(98)00031-5. PDF
Wescott, EM, DD Sentman, MJ Heavner, DL Hampton, and OH Vaughan, Jr., "Blue Jets: their relationship to lightning and very large hailfall, and the physical mechanisms for their production," JASTP, 60, 713-724, (1998). doi:10.1016/S1364-6826(98)00018-2. PDF
Wescott, EM, DD Sentman, MJ Heavner, DL Hampton, WA Lyons, and T Nelson, "Observations of `columniform' sprites," JASTP, 60, 733-740, (1998), doi:10.1016/S1364-6826(98)00029-7. PDF
Hampton, DL, MJ Heavner, EM Wescott, and DD Sentman, Optical Spectral Characteristics of Sprites, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 23, No. 1, Pages 89-92, January 1, 1996, doi:10.1029/95GL03587. PDF
Wescott, EM, DD Sentman, MJ Heavner, TJ Hallinan, DL Hampton, DL Osborne, The optical spectrum of aircraft St. Elmo's fire, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol 23, No 25, pages 3687-3690, December 1996. doi:10.1029/96GL03621. PDF
Wescott EM, DD Sentman, MJ Heavner, DL Hampton, DL Osborne, and OH Vaughan, Jr, "Blue starters: Brief upward discharges from an intense Arkansas thunderstorm," Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 23, No. 16, Pages 2153-2156, August 1996, doi:10.1029/96GL01969. PDF
Sentman, DD, EM Wescott, DL Osborne, DL Hampton, and MJ Heavner, Preliminary Results From the Sprites94 Aircraft Campaign: Red Sprites, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 22, No. 10, Pages 1205-1208, May 15, 1995, doi:10.1029/95GL00583. PDF
Wescott, EM, DD Sentman, DL Osborne, DL Hampton, and MJ Heavner, Preliminary Results From the Sprites94 Aircraft Campaign: Blue Jets, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 22, No. 10, Pages 1209-1212, May 15, 1995, doi:10.1029/95GL00582. PDF
Awards Los Alamos SPOT award, "Significant Contributions on the Arctic Team", May 2022.
NASA RHG Exceptional Achievement Award for Science to Steve/Aurorasaurus Team, May, 2019.
Los Alamos LAAP Award, 2019 for "Mentoring Early, Mid, and Late career DS-MEDAL"
OSTP Award for Excellence for "Outstanding Contributions to Science and Technology Policy", September 2015.
Los Alamos LAAP Award, 2014 for "Response and Dedication to an urgent request for support to NMSSUP"
Los Alamos LAAP Award, 2012 for "Outstanding contribution to multi-source RF data fusion"
Los Alamos Large Team Distinguished Performance Award, 2011 for "EMP Sensor Development Team"
Air Force Technical Applications Center (AFTAC) Joe D. Marshall Award, 2011 for "Best presentation at the Satellite Systems Review Panel"
Los Alamos LAAP Award, 2011 for "Initialization operations for the first two BDV sensors of our newest GPS Block IIF Nuclear Detonation Detection System constellation"
NASA Group Achievement Award, 2003 for "Altus Cumulus Electrification Study Implementation Team"
NSF CEDAR Postdoc, 2000 (declined)
National Merit Scholar, 1989
Kosar, Burcu C., MacDonald, Elizabeth A., Case, Nathan A., & Heavner, Matthew. (2018). Aurorasaurus Real-Time Citizen Science Aurora Data (Version v1.0) [Data set]. Zenodo.
Heavner MJ, Arctic Lab Parternship (ALPs) Sumer Workshop Kickoff, LA-UR-20-25715, July 2020.
Heavner MJ, et al, Partnering for a Resilient and Secure Arctic: National Labs and University of Alaska, presented at Fall American Geophysical Union meeting in Washington DC, abstrat GC13E-1215, December 2019.
Heavner MJ, Ionospheric Science Applications for USNDS Mission Assurance, presented at Auroral Research Workshop: Opportunities for HAARP in Arlington, VA, January, 2014, LA-UR-14-20081.
Heavner MJ and DR Fatland, Four+ Years of Measurements from the Mendenhall Glacier Terminus, presented at Fall American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco, CA, abstract CB33-0666, December, 2012. PDF
Heavner MJ and TL Light, Parameter Determination: Discusion of Blue Team 4a Analysis, presented at the USNDS SSRP, November 2012 in Cocoa Beach, FL, LA-CP-12-01408.
Heavner MJ, NDSE, presented at the USNDS SSRP, November 2012 in Cocoa Beach, FL, LANL-NISC-12-0078.
Heavner MJ, MB Pongratz, DM Susczynsky, and BJ Travis, Blue Team 4a Summary of Events, presented at the USNDS Red Team/Blue Team, October 2012 in Albuquerque, NM, LA-CP-12-01409.
Heavner MJ and C McMillan, Applying Lessons from Multiple Projects to Developing Place Based Citizen Science in Southeast Alaska, presented at Fall American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco, CA, December, 2011, abstract ED23C-0647, pdf.
Heavner MJ, C Connor, D Sauer, N Kugler, E Hood, DR Fatland, The UAS-SEAMONSTER Project: A Glacier Sensor Network on the Lemon Creek and Mendenhall Glaciers Inspired by the 1958-59 International Geophysical Year (IGY) and the Juneau Icefield Research Program (JIRP), presented at the 2011 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting in Minneapolis (10 October 2011), paper 91-3. pdf
Heavner M, M Pongratz, C Ho, L Triplett, Recent Constellation BDW Changes (U), presented at the USNDS SSRP, May 2011 in Cocoa Beach, FL, LA-CP-11-00503.
Heavner M, L Ferguson Craig, M Hekkers, CL Connor, EW Hood, Engaging Citizens through Partnership with Interpreters, presented at Fall American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco, CA, December, 2010, abstract ED11A-0494. PDF
Heavner M, Arctic hydrology studies, presented at "Workshop: Snow, ice, permafrost, and water in a warming Arctic" in Fairbanks, AK June 17, 2010.
Heavner M, E Hood, DR Fatland, C Connor, SEAMONSTER: A wireless Sensor Web prototype applied to studying glaciated watersheds, presented at NASA Earth Science Technology Forum, June 2010. PDF
Heavner, MJ, BDW Delay Calibration Analysis (U), presented at the USNDS SSRP, May 2010 in Cocoa Beach, FL, LA-CP-10-654.
Heavner, M, DR Fatland, EW Hood, CL Connor, SEAMONSTER: A wireless Sensor Web prototype applied to studying glaciated watersheds (Invited) (2009), Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract IN13C-01. PPT
Heavner, M, M Habermann, EW Hood, DR Fatland, Exploring the links between transient water inputs and glacier velocity in a small temperate glacier in southeastern Alaska (2009), Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract C21A-0431. pages
Heavner M, E Hood, DR Fatland, C Connor, The SEAMONSTER Geowiki: Embedding a Sensor Web in Virtual Globes, presented at GeoNorth 2009 in Fairbanks, AK, August 2009. PDF
Heavner, M, Subglacial hydrology of the Lemon Creek Glacier, presented at the Workshop on Subglacial Processes at Engabreen, Norway, March 25, 2009. keynote, Program (pdf)
Heavner M, D R Fatland, M Habermann, L Berner, E Hood, C Connor, J Galbraith, E Knuth, W O'Brien, Sensor Webs and Virtual Globes: Enabling Understanding of Changes in a partially Glaciated Watershed, presented at Fall American Geophysical Union meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2008, IN41B-1150. PDF
Heavner, M, Fatland, R, Hood, E and Connor, C, Habermann, M, Berner, L, Monitoring Lemon Glacier Using a Wireless Sensor Network in Juneau, Alaska: The SEAMONSTER Project, 2008 Joint Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Global Warming Science: Implications for Geoscientists, Educators, and Policy Makers, Houston, TX, October 7, 2008.
Heavner, Fatland, Hood, Connor, Habermann, Berner, Jones, Barnes, Monitoring Lemon Creek and Mendenhall Watersheds Using a Wireless Sensor Web in Juneau, Alaska: SEAMONSTER, Northwest Glaciologists, Seattle, WA, October 18, 2008. PPT
Heavner M, E Hood, J Jones, DR Fatland, R Hock, Monitoring Glacier Hydrology and Mass Balance on a Small Temperate Glacier Using a Sensor Web, presented at NVE Workshop on Mass Balance Measurement and Modeling, Skeikampen, Norway, March, 2008. PNG1, PNG2
Heavner M, E Hood, M Habermann, DR Fatland, L Berner, One year of operating a wireless watershed in Lemon Creek, Juneau, Alaska, presented at American Water Resources Association Alaska Section meeting, Juneau AK, January, 2008. PDF
Heavner M, D Fatland, H Moeller, E Hood, L Berner, M Habermann, Sensor Webs in Digital Earth, presented at Earth Science Information Partners meeting, Washington DC, January, 2008.
Fatland, DR, MJ Heavner (presenting author), E Hood, C Connor, The SEAMONSTER Sensor Web: Lessons and Opportunities after One Year, presented at Fall American Geophysical Union meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2007, IN24A-03. PDF
Heavner, M J, Fatland, D R, Moeller, H, Hood, E, Schultz, M, Sensor Webs in Digital Earth, presented at Fall American Geophysical Union meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2007, IN33A-0871. PNG1 PNG2
Heavner MJ, DR Fatland, E Hood, C Connor, "SEAMONSTER: A Sensor Web Technology Implementation and Testbed in Southeast Alaska," presented at NASA Science and Technology Conference, College Park, MD, June 19, 2007. PDF
Heavner MJ, "Sensor Webs in Digital Earth: An IPY Legacy," presented at the 5th International Symposium on Digital Earth, June 8, 2007, Berkeley, CA. PPT
Heavner MJ, E Hood, DR Fatland, and C Connor, "Architecture and Design of a Sensor Web in Southeast Alaska," presented at the North Pacifc Environmental Satellite Workshop for Coastal and Marine Applications, May 29, 2007.
Heavner M, "SEAMONSTER," presented at the ISET Meeting, Thrust Area III: Data Mining, Fusion, Distributed Architecture and Geospatial Information Systems Workshop in Greensboro, NC, April 10, 2007, via teleconference.
Heavner MJ, and CE Talus, "Monitoring Bat Activity in Southeast Alaska Using Low-Cost, Low-Power, Long-Duration Acoustic Bat Detectors," presented at the Alaska Wildlife Society Conference, Juneau, Alaska, April 18, 2007.
Heavner MJ, CE Talus, and A Hall, "A New Low-Power Acoustic Bat Detector for Long Duration Observations," presented at the Alaska Wildlife Society Conference, Juneau Alaska, April 17, 2007.
Heavner M, E Hood, C Connor, D Fatland, "SEAMONSTER: SouthEast Alaska Monitoring Network for Science, Telecommunications, Education and Research" presented at NASA Advanced Information System Technologies PI Meeting, San Diego, CA, February 13-14, 2007.
Wilkinson D and M Heavner, "Geophysical Institute Magnetometer Array," presented at Fall American Geophysical Union meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2006, SA41B-1417. PDF
Heavner M, C Talus, and A Hall, "A new low-power acoustic bat detector for long-duration observations," at Acoustic Society of America, Maui, HI, Nov, 2006. PDF
Heavner M, E Hood, and C Connor, "Undergraduate Earth System Science Education Methods used for Undergraduate Education at the University of Alaska Southeast Environmental Sciences Program," presented at the NOAA Education and Science Forum, Tallahassee, FL, October 2006.
Heavner M, E Hood, C Connor, R Fatland, "SEAMONSTER: Development of a Sensor Network for Southeast Alaska Science," presented at AAAS Arctic Division, Fairbanks, October 2006.
Heavner M, "The Development of Long-Duration Acoustic Bat Detectors for Southeast Alaska," presented at the North American Symposium on Bat Research, October, 2006. PPT
Talus C and M Heavner, "Foraging Patterns of Bats in Southeast Alaska through Acoustic Monitoring," presented at North American Symposium on Bat Research, Portland, Oregon, October 2006. PPT
Heavner M, E Hood, DR Fatland, and C Connor, "SEAMONSTER," presented at the Northwest Glaciology Meeting, Fairbanks, AK, Sept, 2006. PDF
Heavner MJ and EK Mallott, "The Development of Long-Duration Acoustic Bat Detectors for Southeast Alaska," presented at the 35th Annual North American Symposium on Bat Research, October 2005, Sacramento, California. PDF
Heavner MJ, "The Geophysical Institute Magnetometer Array," presented at the 2005 Fall American Geophsyical Meeting, December 2005, San Francisco, California. PDF
Heavner, MJ, "A New Acoustic Bat Detector," presented at the Acoustic Society of America meeting, May 2004, Vancouver, BC. PDF
Heavner, MJ, M Glista, and E Knuth, "New Acoustic Methods Deveoped for Improved Management of Southeast Alaska Bats," presented at the Western Bat Working Group meeting, March 2005, Portland, Oregon.
Heavner, MJ, WL Boeck, XM Shao, HU Frey, and SB Mende, "Ground based ISUAL validation with the Los Alamos Sferic Array", presented at the Fall American Geophysical Union meeting, December 2004, San Francisco, California. PPT
Heavner MJ, EW Hood, and CL Connor, "Methods used for Undergraduate Education at the University of Alaska Southeast Environmental Sciences Program," presented at the Fall American Geophysical Union meeting, December 2004, San Francisco, California. PPT
Knuth E, MJ Heavner, DR Fatland, and E Hood, "SEAMONSTER: Applications and Challenges of Distributed Sensor Arrays to Southeast Alaska Science," presented at the Fall American Geophysical Union meeting, December 2004, San Francisco, California. PPT
Glista M, MJ Heavner, and E Knuth, "Acoustic Monitoring of Bats in Southeast Alaska: Development of the Wireless Sensor Array and Analysis of Prior Recordings," presented at the 34th Annual North American Symposium on Bat Research, 27-30 October 2004, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Heavner MJ, and D Fatland, "SEAMONSTER: Application of distributed array sensors to Southeast Alaska Science," presented at Glacier Bay Science Symposium, October 2004, Juneau, Alaska. PPT
Heavner MJ, S Speakman, DA Smith, M Stanley, DM Suszcynsky, XM Shao, and M Pongratz, "Los Alamos Sferic Array 1998-2003: Results, Array Status, Data Processing and Calibration," presented at Fall American Geophysical Union meeting, December 2003. PDF
Heavner MJ, DM Suszcynsky, and DA Smith, "LF/VLF Intracloud Waveform Classification," LA-UR 03-2078, presented at International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Versailles, France, June 9-13, 2003. PDF HTML
Heavner MJ, DM Suszcynsky, DA Smith, AR Jacobson, and BD Heavner, "FORTE Compact Intra-cloud discharge detection parameterized by peak current estimate," LAUR-02-5759, presented at Fall American Geophysical Union meeting, December 2002. HTML
Heavner, MJ, DM Suszcynsky, BD Heavner, A Jacobson, DA Smith, TE Light, J Fitzgerald, XM Shao, and M Stanley, Satellite radio observations of lightning, presented at COSPAR, October 2002, LA-UR-02-4770. PDF
Heavner, MJ, DA Smith, and AR Jacobson, Leader Studies with the Los Alamos Sferic Array, LAUR-01-4198, presented Fall American Geophysical Union meeting, December 2001, HTML
Heavner MJ, DA Smith, A Jacobson, A Waldrum, J Harlin, and K Eack, "Los Alamos Sferic Array Investigation of Lightning VLF/VHF Phenomenology", LAUR-00-4198, presented Fall American Geophysical Union meeting, December 2000, HTML.
Heavner, Matthew J., David A. Smith, and Jeremiah Harlin, "Current Los Alamos Sferic Array Studies", presented at 2000 International Lightning Detection Conference, November 7, 2000, HTML.
Heavner MJ, "The optical determination of sprite energetics", 33rd COSPAR Assembly, July 16-23, 2000, Warsaw Poland, invited presentation.
Heavner MJ, DD Sentman, DR Moudry, and EM Wescott, "Sprites, Blue Jets, and Elves: Optical Evidence of Energy Transport Across the Stratopause", IAGA Workshop on Lower Atmosphere Effects on the Ionosphere and Upper Atmosphere, July 25-28, 2000, Prague, Czech Republic.
Sentman DD and MJ Heavner (presentation by M J Heavner), "Coincident Observations of Sprites and OH Gravity Wave Emissions", IAGA Workshop on Lower Atmosphere Effects on the Ionosphere and Upper Atmosphere, July 25-28, 2000, Prague, Czech Republic.
Heavner MJ, DD Sentman, EM Wescott, HC Stenbaek-Nielsen, MG McHarg, DR Moudry, FT Sao Sabbas, JS Morrill, CL Siefring, EJ Bucsella, Peak Energy of Sprites, Fall AGU, 1999 HTML
Heavner M, D Moudry, D Sentman, E Wescott, J Morrill, C Siefring, E Bucsela, D Osborne, J Desroschers, H Nielsen, J Winick, J Kristl, T Hudson, L Peticolas, V Besser, "Ionization in Sprites," EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 79, 1998.
Woodard R, M Heavner, D Moudry, D Sentman, E Wescott, J Morrill, C Siefring, E Bucsela, D Osborne, J Desroschers, H Nielsen, J Winick, J Kristl, T Hudson, L Peticolas, V Besser, "Spatial Variation of Ion and Neutral Emissions in Sprites," EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 79, 1998.
Heavner MJ, DR Moudry, DD Sentman, EM Wescott, "Spectral Measurements of Sprite Optical Energy", CEDAR poster, June 11, 1997, HTML
Heavner MJ, DR Moudry, DD Sentman, EM Wescott, "Observations of Variations in Optical Sprite Spectra", Fall 1997 AGU Meeting, A22C-06.
Heavner MJ, DL Hampton, DD Sentman, and EM Wescott, "Optical Spectra of Sprites," Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, p 608, The Society of Atmospheric Electricity of Japan, Osaka, June, 1996.
Heavner MJ, and DD Sentman, "Ionospheric Height Correction Analysis of Long-Term, Multi-Station Schumann Resonance Observations," Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Atmospheric Electricityy, p 700, The Society of Atmospheric Electricity of Japan, Osaka, June, 1996.
Heavner MJ, DR Moudry, DD Sentman, EM Wescott, and JT Desroschers, "Spectral Observations of Sprites," EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 77(46), F60, 1996.
Peticolas LM, MJ Heavner, and DD Sentman, "Long Term Schumann Resonance Records from Three Stations," EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 77(46), F81, 1996.
Desroschers, JT, MJ Heavner, DL Hampton, DD Sentman, EM Wescott, "A Preliminary Morphology of Optical Transients Above Thunderstorms," Poster A32C-04, Fall AGU Meeting, 1995. HTML
Heavner MJ, DR Moudry, DD Sentman, EM Wescott, and JT Descroschers, "Sprites over Central and South America," EOS Trans. AGU, 76(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract A41D-10, 1995.
Szuberla, CA, MJ Heavner, and DD Sentman, "Ionospheric Height Correction Analysis of Long Term, Multi-Station Schumann Resonance Data," EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, December, 1995.
Heavner, MJ, DD Sentman, EM Wescott, DL Hampton, DL Osborne, and JD Williams, "Spatial Dimensions of Red Sprites and Blue Jets as Triangulated from Two Aircraft," EOS Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 5(44), 115, 1994.
Branch R, et al, "Improving Arctic infrastructure to power observations with marine renewable energy," presented at AGU Fall Meeting, December 2021.
MacDonald E, et al, "New Science in Plain Sight: Optical Manifestations of Coupled Subauroral Features Documented by Citizen Scientists," presented at AGU Fall Meeting, abstract PA23E-09, December 2017.
Kosar B, et al, "Comparison of Citizen Science Aurora Data with Energy Flux Derived from Aurora Observations and Models," presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, December 2016, SM43A-2483.
Moody DI, et al, "Adaptive signal processing of on-orbit radio frequency lightning recordings using overcomplete chirplet dictionaries," presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, December 2013, LA-UR-13-29268.
Hamlin, T., M. Fitzgerald, N. Harvey, M. Heavner, T. Light, D. Smith, and D. Suszcynsky, (05 Nov 2013), Block IIF Burst Detector V Status Update (U), presented to the SSRP at Patrick Air Force Base, FL, LA-CP 13-01424
Light, T., M.J. Heavner, Parameter Determination from EMP Data, presented at the Fall Satellite System review Panel meeting, 7 November 2013, Patrick Air Force Base, FL; LA-CP 13-01415.
Moody DI, TD Hamlin, MJ Heavner, TL Light, RC Loveland, DA Smith, DM Suszcynsky, "Adaptive sparse signal processing of on-orbit lightning data using learned dictionaries," presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, December 2012, LA-UR-12-26648.
Smith D, J Fitzgerald, T Hamlin, M Heavner, M Light, T Light, L Romero, D Suszcsynsky, "IIF BDV Status Summary and Antenna Calibration (U)" presented at the Sat. Sys. Rev. Panel Meeting, Patrick AFB, May 1, 2012, LACP-12-00511.
Hamlin T, N Harvey, M Heavner, T Light, D Smith, D Suszcsynsky, "An overview of Burst Detector V (BDV)," presented in Dayton, Ohio, Feb, 2012. LACP-12-00190.
Hamlin T, K Dighe, R Dingler, M Heavner, T Light, P McLachlan, L Romero, D Smith and D Suszcynsky (1 Nov 2011), BDV IIF-1 and IIF-2 Status Summary (U), presented at the Sat. Sys. Rev. Pan. Mtg., Patrick Air Force Base, FL, LA-CP-11-01424.
Hamlin, T et al, Overview and Performance Assessment of BDV IIF SV-01, 2011 Spring SSRP Meeting, May 4, 2011, Patrick Air Force Base, Fl, LA-CP 11-xxxxx.
Hamlin, T, K Dighe, R Dingler, M Heavner, T Light, P MacLachlan, L Romero, D Smith, and D Suszcynsky (2010), BDV IIF SV-01: Turn-On: Early On-Orbit Results, 2010 Fall SSRP Meeting, Nov. 2, 2010, Patrick Air Force Base, Fl, LA-CP 10-01585.
Ho, C, K Dighe, and M Heavner, Seek and you shall find (U), 2010 Fall SSRP Meeting, Nov. 2, 2010, Patrick Air Force Base, Fl, LA-CP 10-01560.
Connor CL, DR Fatland, M Heavner, N Korzen, J Galbraith, D Sauer, EW Hood, A dynamic physical characterization of the receding Mendenhall Glacier lake front terminus, Juneau, Alaska (2009), Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract C23B-0495.
Hood EW, D Scott, A Jeffery, S Schreiber, M Heavner, R Edwards, DV D'Amore, J Fellman, Dissolved organic matter export in glacial and non-glacial streams along the Gulf of Alaska, (2009), Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract, B34A-05.
O'Brien WP, J Galbraith, DR Fatland, M Heavner, Diurnal pH variations of a Glacial Stream: a starting point for Inquiry-driven student and teacher Investigations of a Glacial Ecosystem, (2009), Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract ED13D-0619.
Siefring CL, JS Morrill, D D Sentman, MJ Heavner, Simulation Near-Infrared and Visible Observations of Sprites and Acoustic Gravity Waves During the EXL98 Campaign, presented at the AGU Chapman Conference on the Effects of Thunderstorms and Lightning in the Upper Atmosphere at State College, PA, May 10-14, 2009.
Smith, I, D Sauer, N Korzen, E Knuth, R Barnes, M Heavner, C Connor, S Nagorski, Changes in bathymetry and sedimentation of pro-glacial Mendenhall Lake 1973-2008, presented at Alaska Geological Society Tech Conference, April 24, 2009.
Hansen TL, TJ LeFebvre, M Schultz, M Romberg, A Mysore, K Holub, P McCaslin, S Salm, A Esterline, Y Li, C Baber, K Fuller, Y Pogue, W Wright, M Heavner, M Steinbach, R Olobode, L Qian and R Fatlaand, Earth Information Services, presented in Session 7B, Internet Applications and Cyberinfrastructure II at the 25th Conference on International Interactive Information and Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology in Phoenix, AZ, January, 2009.
Connor C, N Korzen, E Knuth, D Sauer, M Heavner, Changing Lake Bathymetry with Deglaciation: The Mendenhall Glacier System, presented at Fall American Geophysical Union meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2008, C31E-0565.
Fatland DR, C van Ingen, B Beran, M Heavner, M Habermann, L Berner, Pain and Gaps in IT Infusion, presented at Fall American Geophysical Union meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2008, IN33C-01.
Galbraith J, M Heavner, D Wilkinson, The Geophysical Institute Magnetometer Array: Making Real-Time Geophysical Measurements Available for Operational Space Weather Needs, presented at Fall American Geophysical Union meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2008, SA51A-1546.
Habermann M, E Hood, M Heavner, R Motyka, Exploring the links between transient water inputs and glacier velocity in a small temperate glacier in southeastern Alaska, presented at Fall American Geophysical Union meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2008, C11A-0477.
Jones J, E Hood, D R Fatland, L Berner, M Heavner, C Connor, W O'Brien, A wireless partially glaciated watershed in a virtual globe: Integrating data, models, and visualization to increase climate change understanding, presented at Fall American Geophysical Union meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2008, ED53A-0590.
Connor C, N Korzen, E Knuth, D Sauer, M Heavner, Changing Lake Bathymetry with Deglaciation: The Mendenhall Glacier system, NOAA Integrated Science and Environmental Technology Cooperative Science Center NOAA Advisory Council review, October 27, 2008.
Korzen N, E Knuth, C Connor, and M Heavner, Changing Lake Bathymetry with Deglaciation: The Mendenhall System, presented at Alaska Geology Society Technical Conference, Anchorage AK, April 2008.
Hood E, M Heavner, and J Jones, A high-resolution study of the impacts of glacial runoff on water quality and aquatic habitat, Lemon Glacier, Juneau, Alaska, presented at American Water Resources Association Alaska Section meeting, Juneau AK, January, 2008.
Jones J, E Hood, M Heavner, R Hock, Modeling Glacier Runoff: A Case Study of Lemon Glacier, Juneau, Alaska, presented at American Water Resources Association Alaska Section meeting, Juneau AK, January, 2008.
Berner, L, Habermann, M, Hood, E, Fatland, R, Heavner, M, Knuth, E, Monday Providing a virtual tour of a glacial watershed, presented at Fall American Geophysical Union meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2007, ED11A-0117.
Sato, T, Miura, S, Ohta, Y, Fujimoto, H, Sun, W, Larsen, C, Heavner, M, Kaufman, A M, Freymueller, J T, Earth tides observed by gravimeter and GPS in Juneau, Southeastern Alaska, presented at Fall American Geophysical Union meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2007, G43B-1204.
Fatland DR, MJ Heavner, C Connor, E Hood, J Jones, E Knuth, S Siefert, Glacier-hydrologic processes generate geospatial data collected with wireless sensor networks, Lemon Glacier, Juneau, Alaska, 2007 GSA Denver Annual Meeting (28-31 October 2007), Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 39, No. 6, p. 618.
Connor CL, A Prakash, L Berner, M Heavner, E hood, Glacier Surface Field Experiences and GIS Training Provide Alaska's Science Teacher with Climate Change Assessment Tools for use in Middle School and High School Classrooms, 2007 GSA Denver Annual Meeting (28-31 October 2007), Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 39, No. 6, p. 57.
Hood E, MJ Heavner, R Fatland, J Jones, and R Hock. Monitoring glacier hydrology and mass balance on a small temperate glacier using a sensor web. International Association Hydrologic Sciences Workshop: Glaciers in Watershed and Global Hydrology, Obergurgl, Austria, 21-25 August (poster presentation).
Hood E, MJ Heavner, DR Fatland, and C Connor, "Applications of a Sensor Web in Southeast Alaska," presented at the North Pacifc Environmental Satellite Workshop for Coastal and Marine Applications, May 29, 2007.
Mathews EA, M Heavner, and BP Kelly, "Fostering collaborations in marine biology and coastal ecology: REU in Alaska 200-2007" at NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates PI Meeting, Washington DC, March 2007.
Fatland DR, S Nagorski, C Connor, MJ Heavner, and E Hood, "SEAMONSTER Education: A Sensor Network Project in Southeast Alaska," presented at Fall American Geophysical Union meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec 2006, ED43B-0937.
Fatland DR, MJ Heavner, E Hood, C Connor, and S Nagorski, "SEAMONSTER: A Smart Sensor Web in Southeast Alaska," presented at Fall American Geophysical Union meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec 2006, IN23A-1218.
Sato T, S Miura, W Sun, AM Kaufman, R Cross, JT Freymueller, and M Heavner, "ISEA (International geodetic project in SouthEastern Alaska) for rapid uplifting caused by glacial retreat: (4) Gravity tide observation," presented at Fall American Geophysical Union meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2006, G33B-0067.
Seifert SL, AJ Lembo, TC Scharz, TR Anderson, M Heavner, MJ Walter, DR Fatland, and E Knuth, "Locating Hydrologically Sensitive Areas in the Northeastern US: Internet Map Services as Tools for Improving Surface-Water Quality," presented at Fall American Geophysical Union meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2006, H43B-0498.
Shao, XM and MJ Heavner, "Physical Implication of VLF/LF Radiation Pulses in the Initial Milliseconds of Lightning Discharges," presented at the 17th International IEEE Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Feb 27-March 3, 2006 in Signapore.
Fatland, DR, MJ Heavner, and S Anandakrishnan, "Power Management and Data Recovery: Results and Recipes from Vexcel's Wireless Sensor Network Project," presented at the 2005 Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting, December 2005, San Francisco, California.
Mallott, EK and MJ Heavner, "Nightly Activity Patterns of Bats on Prince of Wales Island, Alaska," presented at the 35th Annual North American Symposium on Bat Research, October 2005, Sacramento, California.
Fatland, DR, S Anandakrishnan, and MJ Heavner, "Field Instrumentation with Bricks: Wireless Networks Built From Tough, Cheap, Reliable Field Computers," presented at the Fall American Geophysical Union meeting, December 2004, San Francisco, California.
Hood E, M Heavner, D Shallies, and E Knuth, "Mountain climate and snowpack data acquisition using a wireless network in Southeastern Alaska," presented at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, 2005, Denver, Colorado.
Boeck WL, MJ Heavner, R Blakeslee, and O Vaughan, Jr., "Algorithm to find range to TLEs for ISUAL," presented at the ROCSAT-2 Science Workshop, May 18, 2004, Taiwan.
Carter P, M Heavner, and E Hood, "Evaluating the Stuffblock and Shear Frame/Tilt Board Snowpack Stability Tests as Snow Avalanche Forecasting Tools," presented at 72nd Annual Western Snow Conference, April 19-22, 2004.
Suszcynsky DM, AR Jacobson, M Heavner, MB Pongratz, and CT Rhodes, "VHF Lightning Detection From GPS Orbit as a means of Nowcasting Global Convection and Severe Weather," presented to the American Meteorological Society Meeting, for the 20th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology, in the "Satellite IIPS and Applications" session, January, 2004.
Boeck WL and MJ Heavner, "Comparison study of LIS and EDOT Lightning Detection," presented at Fall American Geophysical Union meeting, December 2003.
Shao XM and MJ Heavner, "Possible interpretations of VLF-LF Radiation waveshapes produced at the initial stage of lightning discharges," presented at Fall American Geophysical Union meeting, December 2003.
Siefring C, J Morrill, E Bucsela, MJ Heavner and S Berg, "The Spectroscopy and Energetics of Red Sprites," presented at Fall American Geophysical Union meeting, December 2003.
Stanley MA, DM Suszcynsky, and MJ Heavner, "The meteorological setting of narrow bipolar events," presented at Fall American Geophysical Union meeting, December 2003.
Stanley MA and MJ Heavner, "Tall structure lightning induced by sprite-producing discharges," presented at 2003 International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Versailles, France, June 2003.
Suszcynsky DM, TJ Fitzgerald, MJ Heavner, AR Jacobson, TE Light, MB Pongratz, and CT Rhodes, "The detection of VHF lightning from GPS orbit," presented at 2003 International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Versailles, France, June 2003. LA-UR 02-6377.
Junor W, M Heavner, Could LOFAR see lightning on the gas giants?, presented at EGS/AGU/EUG Joint Assembly in Nice, France, April 10, 2003.
Mathews JD, MA Stanley, VP Pasko, TG Wood, US Inan, MJ Heavner, and SA Cummer, "Electromagnetic signatures of the Puerto Rico blue jet and its parent thunderstorm," presented at the 2002 Fall American Geophysical Union conference.
Suszcynsky DM, MJ Heavner, B Heavner, and MA Stanley, "Narrow Bipolar Events as direct indicators of thunderstorm convective strength," presented at the 2002 Fall American Geophysical Union conference. LA-UR 02-5512.
Suszcynsky, DM, J Fitzgerald, MJ Heavner, B Heavner, and A Jacobson, "The detection of VHF lightning from GPS orbit," presented at 2002 Global Atmospherics' International Lightning Detection Conference. LA-UR 02-6380.
Davis SM, DM Suszcynsky, MJ Heavner, AM Jacobson, TE Light, "FORTE Observations of Simultaneous VHF and Optical Emissions From Lightning: Optical Source Properties and Discrimination Capability," EOS Trans. AGU, 82(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE11A-0057, 2001, LA-UR-01-5187. PDF
Siefring CL, EJ Bucsela, JS Morrill, MJ Heavner, SL Berg, S Slinker, DR Moudry, DD Sentman, EM Wescott, D Osborne, "Electron energies, densities, and electric fields in sprites observed from aircraft based optical observations," EOS Trans. AGU, 82(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE22A-11, 2001.
Suszcynsky DM, SM Davis, AR Jacobson, MJ Heavner, MB Pongratz, "VHF Global Lightning and Severe Storm Monitoring From Space: Storm-level characterization of VHF lightning emissions," EOS Trans. AGU, 82(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE12A-0075, 2001.
Wescott EM, DD Sentman, HC Stenbaek-Nielsen, P Huet, MJ Heavner, DR Moudry, "New Evidence for the Brightness and Ionization of Blue Starters and Blue Jets," EOS Trans. AGU, 82(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE22A-08, 2001.
Sentman DD, EM Wescott, HC Stenbae-Nielsen, MJ Heavner, DR Moudry, "Effects of Lightning on the Middle and Upper Atmosphere: Some New Results," COSPAR Colloquium "Space Weather Study Using Multi-point Techniques", Taipie, Taiwan, Sept 27029, 2000.
Smith DA, MJ Heavner, AR Jacobson, XM Shao, "The Los Alamos Sferic Array: Recent Improvements and Validation Studies," Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting, Poster A52C-04, Eos Trans. AGU, 81 (48), Fall Meet. Suppl., 2000, LAUR-00-4192. PDF
Bucsela EJ, JS Morrill, CL Siefring, MJ Heavner, JH Bowels, DR Moudry, DD Sentman, EM Wescott, DL Osborne, HC Stenbaek-Nielsen, LM Peticolas, V Besser, "UV Spectral and Image Observations of Sprites During EXL98," EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 80, F225, 1999.
Moudry DR, HC Stenbaek-Nielsen, MJ Heavner, DD Sentman, EM Wescott, FT Sao Sabbas, "Depletion and rebrightening in sprites," EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 80, F225, 1999.
Sentman DD, EM Wescott, HC Stenbaek-Nielsen, MJ Heavner, DR Moudry, FT Sao Sabbas, "Observations of Gravity Waves Associated With a Sprite-Producing Storm," EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 80, F227, 1999.
Siefring CL, JS Morrill, PA Bernhardt, JH Bowles, DD Sentman, EM Wescott, DL Osborne, MJ Heavner, DR Moudry, and EJ Bucsela, "Preliminary Analysis of Near-Infrared and Near-Ultraviolet Measurements of Sprites, Elves and Blue Jets from the EXL98 Campaign," URSI, 1999.
Siefring CL, JS Morrill, DD Sentman, DR Moudry, EM Wescott, MJ Heavner, DL Osborne, EJ Bucsela, "Do Sprites Sometimes Connect to the Cloud Tops?" EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 80, F225, 1999.
Stenbaek-Nielsen HC, DR Moudry, EM Wescott, DD Sentman, MJ Heavner, FT Sao Sabbas, "Sprite Observations at 1000 Frames per Second," EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 80, F224, 1999.
Taylor MJ, RM Dial, M Heavner, D Sentman, E M Wescott, and D R Moudry, "Unusually Low Altitude Sprite Emissions Observed in the Nitrogen First Positive Band Emission at 665 nm," IUGG Birmingham, 1999.
Wescott EM, HC Stenbaek-Nielsen, DD Sentman, DR Moudry, MJ Heavner, and FT Sao Sabbas, "Optical Observations of Sprites and Elves During the NASA 1999 Sprites Balloon Campaign," EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 80, F216, 1999.
Wescott, L W, Wescott, E M, Stenbaek-Nielsen, H C, Sentman, D D, Moudry, D R, Heavner, M J, Sao Sabbas, F T, "Triangulation of Sprites and Elves From the NASA 1999 Sprites Balloon Campaign" EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 80, F217, 1999.
Benesch, W, J Morrill, C Siefring, E Bucsela, J Bowels, M Heavner, D Moudry, D Sentman, E Wescott, D Osborne, J Desrochers, H Nielsen, L Peticolas, J Winick, J Kristl, T Hudson, "Overview of NUV Observations During EXL 98," EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 79, 1998.
Bernhardt, P, C Siefring, J Morrill, D Sentman, E Wescott, M Heavner, D Osborne, E Bucsela, "Near-InfraRed (NIR) Measurements During the EXL98 Campaign," EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 79, 1998.
Besser, V, D Moudry, M Heavner, D Sentman, E Wescott, J Morrill, C Siefring, D Osborne, and D Hampton, "Case Study of a Sprite," EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 79, 1998.
Bowles, J, C Siefring, J Morrill, P Bernhardt, D Sentman, D Maudry, E Bucsela, D Osborne, E Wescott, M Heavner, "Do Sprites Sometimes Connect to the Cloud Tops?" EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 79, 1998.
Bucsela, E, J Morrill, C Siefring, M Heavner, D Moudry, D Sentman, E Wescott, D Osborne, W Benesch, "Estimating Electron Energies in Sprites from 1NG/2PG Intensity Ratios," EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 79, 1998.
Deehr, C, E Wescott, D Sentman, H Stenbaek-Nielsen, M Heavner, D Moudry, C Siefring, J Morrill, E Buscela, "New Evidence for Ionization of Blue Starters and Blue Jets," EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 79, 1998.
Moudry, D, M Heavner, D Sentman, E Wescott, J Morrill, and C Siefring, "Morphology of Sprites," EOS Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., 79(45), 1998.
Remick K, D Sentman, E Wescott, M Heavner, D Moudry, "Small Scale Structure in Sprite Tendrils," EOS Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., 79(45), Abstract A31A-17, 1998.
Sentman, D, E Wescott, J Winick, C Siefring, J Morrill, D Baker, P Bernhardt, M Heavner, D Moudry, D Osborne, J Desrochers, L Peticolas, V Besser, "The EXL98 Sprites Campaign," EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 79, 1998.
Siefring, C, P Bernhardt, J Morrill, D Sentman, E Wescott, M Heavner, D Osborne, E Bucsela, "Correlation Between Ambient Near InfraRed (NIR) Airglow and Sprite Structures," EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 79, 1998.
Wescott, E, D Sentman, H Stenbaek-Nielsen, M Heavner, D Moudry, U Inan, T Bell, M Stanley, "'Columniform' Sprites: Their Optical Characteristics, ELF and VLF Signatures, and Relationship To Lightning," EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 79, 1998.
Benesch, W, J Morrill, E Bucsela, C Seifring, S Berg, V Pasko, M Heavner, and E Wescott, "Model results of time-resolved visible and UV molecular nitrogen emissions in sprites," EOS Trans. AGU, 78(46), Abstract A11E-08, 1997.
Moudry DR, MJ Heavner, DD Sentman, and EM Wescott, "Sprites Over Small Storms," EOS Trans. Am Geophys. Union, 78(46), F83, 1997.
Peticolas LM, DD Sentman, and MJ Heavner, "Magnetic Ellipticity of Schumann Resonances," EOS Trans. Am Geophys. Union, 78(46), F81, 1997.
Sentman DD, EM Wescott, MJ Heavner, and DR Moudry, "Horizontal Banded Structure in Sprites," EOS Trans. Am Geophys. Union, 78(46), F71, 1997.
Sentman DD and MJ Heavner, "Multi-Year Global Observations of Schumann Resonances," Invited Talk, Third International Conference on the Physics of Lightning, St. Jean de Luz, France, September, 1997.
Siefring C L, J S Morril, E J Bucsela, V P Pasko, S L Berg, W M Benesch, E M Wescott, and M J Heavner, "Predicted Near-UV Spectroscopy of Sprites," EOS Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., 78(46), Abstract A22C-05, 1997.
Wescott EM, DD Sentman, MJ Heavner, and DR Moudry, "The Taxonomy of Sprites, Their Altitude Structure, and Relationships to Lightning Current and Ionospheric Height," EOS Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., 78(46), Abstract A12A-02, 1997.
Green B D, W T Rawlins, M E Fraser, L Jeong, W A M Blumberg, D L Hampton, E M Wescott, D D Sentman, and M J Heavner, "Molecular Excitation from Sprite Emission Spectra," EOS Trans. AGU, 77(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract A11A-20, 1996.
Hickey K, DD Sentman, and MJ Heavner, "Ground Based Observations of Ionospheric Resonator Bands," EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 77(46), F92, 1996.
Moudry DR, MJ Heavner, DD Sentman, EM Wescott, and JT Desrochers, "Optical Spectra of Sprites at Various Altitudes," EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 77(46), F69, 1996.
Sentman, DD, MJ Heavner, DJ Hampton and EM Wescott, "Branching Structure in Sprite Tendrils," Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, p 604, The Society of Atmospheric Electricity of Japan, Osaka, June, 1996.
Sentman, DD, MJ Heavner, DN Baker, TE Cayton, and BJ Fraser, "Effects of Solar Storms on the Schumann Resonances in Late 1989," Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, p 696, The Society of Atmospheric Electricity of Japan, Osaka, June, 1996.
Sentman, DD, EM Wescott, MJ Heavner, and DR Moudry, "Observations of Sprite Beads and Balls," EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 77(46), F61, 1996.
Wescott, EM, DD Sentman, MJ Heavner, and DR Moudry, "Blue Jets, Lightning and Large Hail," EOS Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., 77(46), Abstract A72C-03, 1996.
Hampton D L, M J Heavner, E M Wescott, and D D Sentman, "Optical Spectra of Sprites," EOS Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract A41D-03, 1995.
Peticolas, LM, DD Sentman, and MJ Heavner, "Long Base Line, Long Term Observations of Diurnal Variations of Schumann Resonances," EOS Trans Am. Geophys. Union, December, 1995
Sentman D D, M J Heavner, and E R Williams, "Long Baseline Observations of Schumann Resonances," IUGG XXI General Assembly, July 1995.
Sentman, DD, EM Wescott, J Williams, DL Hampton, MJ Heavner, and DL Osborne, "ELF/VLF Signatures of Red Sprites and Blue Jets," EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, December, 1995.
Sentman, DD, EM Wescott, DL Osborne, MJ Heavner and DJ Hampton, "The Peru95 Sprites Campaign: Overview," EOS Trans. AGU, Spring Meet. Suppl., 76(17), Abstract A32A-06, May, 1995.
Wescott EM, D D Sentman, D L Osborne, M J Heavner, and D L Hampton, "The Peru95 Sprites Campaign: Aircraft video Observations of Equatorial Sprites," EOS Trans. AGU, Spring Meet. Suppl., 76(16), 1995.
Desrochers J, DL Hampton, DD Sentman, EM Wescott, MJ Heavner, DL Osborne, and JD Williams, "Calculated Brightnesses of Red Sprites and Blue Jets," EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 5(44), 115, 1994.
Osborne DL, DD Sentman, EM Wescott, DL Hampton, and MJ Heavner, "Video Imaging Systems Used in the Sprites94 Aircraft Campaign," EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 5(44), 115, 1994.
Sentman DD, EM Wescott, JD Williams, DL Hampton, MJ Heavner, and DL Osborne, "ELF/VLF Signatures of Red Sprites and Blue Jets," EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 75(44), 108, 1994.
Wescott EM, DD Sentman, DL Hampton, MJ Heavner, DL Osborne, and J Williams, "Overview of the Sprites94 Aircraft Campaign and Results, " EOS Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., 75(44), Abstract A21G-03, 1994.
Wescott EM, DD Sentman, DL Hampton, MJ Heavner, DL Osborne, and J Williams, "Blue Jets, a Newly Documented Upper Atmosphere Phenomenon," EOS Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., 75(44), Abstract A31A-02, 1994.
"Adventures in the Juneau Icefields" April 18, 2012, presented to the Los Alamos Mountaineers, Los Alamos, NM.
"Mendenhall Glacier's Changing Face," Mendenhall Glacier Visitor's Center, US Forest Service, Juneau, AK, April 26, 2010, co-lecture with Mike Hekkers, Ivy Smith, Nick Korzen, Nat Kugler, and Matt Heavner.
"SEAMONSTER: Learning about the glacier in our backyard," Science for Alaska Lecture Series, Juneau, AK, April 18, 2009.
"Mendenhall on the Move," Mendenhall Glacier Visitor's Center, US Forest Service, Juneau, AK, January 30, 2009, co-lecture with Cathy Connor, Matt Heavner, and Eran Hood.
"Mendenhall on the Move," Mendenhall Glacier Visitor's Center, US Forest Service, Juneau, AK, February 22, 2008, co-lecture with Cathy Connor, Matt Heavner, Eran Hood, and Logan Berner.
"Sensor Networks for Environmental Monitoring in Juneau," Mendenhall Glacier Visitor's Center, US Forest Service. Juneau, Alaska, February 16, 2007. Two lectures, approximately 70 people in attendance.
"Lightning and Fire", Anchorage Museum of History and Art Science Lecture Series, Anchorage, Alaska, April 13, 2006 (~65 people).
"Bats: Studying Noises in the Night," Evening at Egan UAS, Juneau, Alaska, October 22, 2004, (~75 people).
"Lightning and Fire," Science for Alaska public lecture series. Juneau, Alaska February 16, 2004, (~275 people). Fairbanks, Alaska February 24, 2004, (~450 people)
Heavner, JE and MJ, Heavner, Research Update, The American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, November 2002 Newsletter. (A comment on electronic publishing), local copy
Heavner M and M Taylor, "Transient Optical Emissions in the Upper Atmosphere," CEDAR Post Workshop Report, August 1999.
Heavner, MJ, Transitioning to Non-radioactive Technologies in Medical Applications, White House OSTP Blog Post, Interagency working group releases recommendations to Federal agencies on alternatives to high-activity radioactive sources in medical applications, December 2, 2016.
Interagency Working Group on Alternatives to High-Activity Radioactive Sources, Transitioning from High-Activity Radioactive Sources to Non-Radioisotopic (Alternative) Technologies: A Best Practices Guide for Federal Agenices, December, 2016. PDF.
Moody, DI, DA Smith, TD Hamlin, TE Light, DM Suszcsynsky, MJ Heavner, Adaptive sparse signal processing of on-orbit lightning data using learned dictionaries, May 2013, LA-UR-13-23765.
Heavner MJ, DM Suszcynsky, Global Ionospheric TEC Mapping: Space Weather Monitoring & Geolocation Accuracy Improvement, March 2013, LA-UR-13-22042.
Heavner MJ, XGEN: NDSE BDV Final Report FY12-13 Effort, February 2013, LANL-NISC-13-0011.
Heavner MJ, Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) W-Sensor, presented at 2012 USNDS Orientation, October, 2012, LA-CP-12-01410.
Heavner M, et al, MRM Data Fusion, LANL-NISC-12-0065, August, 2012.
Heavner M, XGEN: NDSE Timing Final Report, FY11-12 Effort (U), LANL-NISC-12-0037, April, 2012.
Heavner M and M Pongratz, LANL SLRE Calculations 2010 (U), LA-CP-11-00149, January, 2011.
Heavner M, GPS EMP Sensor Support Quarterly Progress Report FY2010 III (U), LA-CP-10-01824.
Heavner M, GPS EMP Sensor Support Quarterly Progress Report FY2010 II (U), LA-CP-10-01317.
Heavner M, Institutional research activity update for newsletter on atmospheric electricity spring 2010, LA-UR-10-03248.
McLachlan P, M Pongratz, M Heavner, K Dighe, D Suszcynsky, Day 6/7 turn-on results and initial performance assessment for the SVN 50 BDW: final report (U), LA-CP-10-01585.
Carter, P, M Heavner, and E Hood, Evaluating the Stuffblock and Tilt Board Snowpack Stability Tests, The Avalanche Review, Vol 23, No 4, p14-15, April 2005.
Stanley MA, MJ Heavner, Tall Structure Lightning Induced by Sprite-Producing Discharges, LA-UR-03-2388.
Smith DA, MJ Heavner, DN Holden, Passive HF Radio Measurements From an SA-2 Static Rocket Engine Test, LA-CP-03-0057.
Smith, DA, MJ Heavner, DN Holden, CERF Phase 3 Report: Observations of Radio Emissions from Conventional Bombs, LA-CP-03-0651, 2003.
Arrowood, J, T Braun, M Heavner, Aldebaran Algorithm Team Development Process, LA-UR-02-2681.
Arrowood JL, TR Braun, MJ Heavner, ME Dunham, A Universal Signal Descriptor Word, LA-UR-02-3367.
Speakman S and M Heavner, Algorithm Development for the Cibola Flight Experiment, LA-UR-02-7000.
Smith, DA, DN Holden, MJ Heavner, RF Emissions from From Conventional Explosives, LA-CP 02-536, presented at RF Sensing R+D Symposium, SPAWAR, Charleston, SC, November 18-21, 2002.
Smith, DA, DN Holden, MJ Heavner, AM Mielke, Passive HF/VHF/UHF Radio Measurements from Vandenberg Rocket Launches, LA-CP 02-527, October 31, 2002.
Smith, DA, DN Holden, MJ Heavner, Field Collection of Radio Frequency (RF) Signatures for Proliferation Detection, LA-UR 02-2439.
Smith, DA, DN Holden, MJ Heavner, CERF Phase 2 NTS Report: Radio Frequency Measurements from DK Test Trials, November 2001, April 1, 2002, LA-CP 02-163.
Smith, DA, DN Holden, and MJ Heavner, Passive RF Sensing for Missile Defense, Presented at 2002 MSS MD-SEA Meeting in Monterey, CA, 2002, LA-CP-02-018.
Smith, DA, DN Holden, MJ Heavner, Passive RF Sensing for Missile Defense, Feb 5, 2002, LA-CP 02-011.
Byers, WB, CA Conger, M Heavner, PJ Morrison, R Matthews, M Rogers, NJ Redmond, WJ Schaefer, RW Sutton, FM Tesche, LE Williams, Missile Electromagnetic Signature (MES) Detection: Results of SA-2 Static Firing Measurments, October 1, 2001.
Heavner, MJ, DA Smith, Lightning Activity in Los Alamos Area 1998-2000, LA-UR-01-3907, 2001.
Smith, DA, DN Holden, MJ Heavner, Passive Radio Frequency Measurements from Static Rocket Tests at Edwards Air Force Base, Feb. - Mar, 2001, LA-CP-01-377, 2001.
Heavner, MJ, et al., 8th Annual USENIX Securty Summary, 1999
Last modified: 02024/12