Juneau in the Fall
Drs. Ava and Torsten ready to fix you up!
You definitely need a checkup.
Torsten on a blue sky Juneau day at Mendenhall Glacier (Oct 2006)
Torsten’s favorite waterfall (Nugget)
Matt and Torsten at Nugget Falls
Matt and Torsten (and tricycle) at Mendenhall Glacier
Torsten loved the accordian
Torsten dancing at the sons of Norway
With a name like Torsten, he was very welcome at the sons of Norway!
And he loved dancing to boot!
Torsten and Ava, dancing
Mmmmm, chocolate pudding!
I need more chocolate pudding!
Torsten out for a dog walk (Mendenhall Towers in the background)
Torsten and puppy with Mount McGinnis in the background.
Torsten and puppy, playing on a sunny Juneau day.
Torsten, puppy, and Kita
We did manage to spend time in Juneau.  It was a very rainy fall (we hit 60” of rain for the year by Oct 1).  Lots of playing inside as well as keeping busy with work, teaching, tile painting,  Torsten thoroughly enjoyed dancing to the accordion at a Sons of Norway gathering.
Talus heavner fall 2006