Los Alamos Sferic Array Investigation of Lightning VLF/VHF Phenomenology

M J Heavner, D A Smith, A Jacobson, A Waldrum, J Harlin, and K Eack


Florida/KSC LDAR Results

The 1999 LASA Florida expansion provided coordinated observations with the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) Lightning Detection and Ranging (LDAR) system.
LASA/LDAR NBE Delta t histogram

Above, the histogram of delays between LDAR and LASA events associated with LASA Narrow Bipolar Events (NBE) are shown. Below, the temporally nearest LDAR event height is plotted as a function of the LASA derived height, overplotted on the FORTE/LASA height distribution for NBEs. FORTE/LASA NPBE's are plotted as +'s, FORTE/LASA NNBE's are plotted as triangles, and the LASA/LDAR heights are plotted as filled diamonds. If the heights of the VHF and VLF systems agreed, they would fall along the line plotted.
VLF/VHF NBE Height comparison

Below, two examples of the LASA, LDAR, and NLDN observations for .5 s of a lightning flash are presented. The upper example shows a 500 ms period of Sferic Array, LDAR, and NLDN observations (there are no reported NLDN events). The lower event is a 500 ms period of observations in which NLDN does report a CG. The movies are 100 ms frames which repeat.

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