Los Alamos Sferic Array Investigation of Lightning VLF/VHF Phenomenology

M J Heavner, D A Smith, A Jacobson, A Waldrum, J Harlin, and K Eack


STEPS Results

During the 2000 STEPS campaign, 3 LASA stations were deployed in Colorado for coordinated lightning observations. The June 29, 2000 lightning activity recorded by LASA included a 10 minute period (23:19 - 23:29 UT) with 49 Narrow Bipolar Events (NBE, see Smith et al, 2000), compared to only 37 non-NBE events. A tornado occurred between 23:29 and 23:44 and is analyzed by Harlin et al, poster A52C-25, this session. No LASA events were recorded from the tornadic cell, while the large number of NBEs were observed in a larger cell at a greater distance from the KI LASA station. The LMA, LASA, and RADAR composite observations are presented. Radar Summary
Above is the radar summary data. The LASA station locations are indicated as red triangles. The LMA station locations are black squares. LASA located NBE's are indicated with black `P's (over the strong convective core of the most intense storm), and non-NBE LASA located events are indicated with black circles. The tornado producing storm is the smaller system due East of the LMA.
LMA results
The above plot shows the computed location of all VHF sources over an approximately six hour period of time. The storm near the LMA produced the tornado, but the large NBE producing storm was also observed by the LMA. LMA data is courtesy of New Mexico Tech.
Radar Summary Zoom Above is a zoom of the RADAR summary showing in more detail the location of the NBE's observed by LASA.
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