Los Alamos National Laboratory

Los Alamos Sferic Array Investigation of Lightning VLF/VHF Phenomenology

M J Heavner, D A Smith, A Jacobson, A Waldrum, J Harlin, and K Eack


Los Alamos Sferic Array

The locations of the LASA stations are shown below.
Map of Station Locations

Each station is comprised of a flat plate electric field antenna, a GPS for time-stamp accuracy greater than 2 us, and a computer for collecting data and providing remote operation capabilities. The 1998 and 1999 array operations are described by Smith et al, 2000.


The Los Alamos Sferic Array was originally deployed for ground truthing of the FORTE satellite lightning observations. Studies of coincident National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN) and FORTE observations found that FORTE and NLDN have reasonable coincident observation of some storms while other storms are apparently missed. One example FORTE overpass (~14 min.) is shown at left (see Jacobson et al., A52C-20, this session).
FORTE/NLDN comparison

The subsatellite point of FORTE RF triggers are indicated by blue squares. All National Lightning Detection Network events recorded during the satellite overpass are shown as green triangles. A close temporally associated between a FORTE trigger and an NLDN event is indicated with a blue line connecting the two as well as a red square around the NLDN event. Not that some storms are well identified by FORTE, while other storms are apparently completely missed.
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