Los Alamos Sferic Array Investigation of Lightning VLF/VHF
M J Heavner, D A Smith, A Jacobson, A Waldrum, J Harlin, and K
The 2000 STEPS results identify a storm with strong VHF
emissions and no recorded VLF triggers, reflecting cases with FORTE
RF events without coincident NLDN VLF events. Closer examination of
the storm is underway. The Florida/KSC results show: 1. the height
distribution of the closest temporal LDAR VHF source vs LASA VLF/LF
Narrow Bipolar source is reasonably consistent with earlier
EDOT/FORTE comparisons of height; 2. Work remains to understand the
exact VLF/LF emission source and the VHF emissions recorded by
- D. A. Smith, K. B. Eack, J. Harlin, M. J. Heavner, A. R. Jacobson,
R. S. Massey, X. M. Shao and K. C. Wiens. The Los
Alamos Sferic Array: Ground truth for the FORTE
satellite. J. Geohpys. Res., 2000. in preparation
- D. A. Smith, X. M. Shao, D. N. Holden, C. T. Rhodes, M. Brook,
P. R. Krehbiel, M. Stanley, W. Rison, and
R. J. Thomas. A distinct class of isolated intracloud
lightning discharges and their associated radio
emissions. J. Geohpys. Res.,
104(D4):4189-4212, Feburary 1999.
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