I’m concerned about the full page ad in the June 1 NYT edition from
the American Beverage Association. Do you allow false statements to
be published as advertising? I understand that opinion in ads are ok,
but the ad clearly states:
“FACT: … sugar-sweetened beverages are not the No. 1 source of added
sugars in our diets — food is.”
I’m sure it isn’t a coincidence that I got a tweet in my feed that:
“FACT: Sugar-sweetened beverages represent largest share of calories
in diets of individuals aged 2 and up”
This tweet was from The National Academies of Science and references
an Institute of Medicine Report of May 8. The tweet is:
“National Academies (@NASciences)
5/31/12 12:10
RT @theIOM: FACT: Sugar-sweetened beverages represent largest share of
calories in diets of individuals aged 2 and up ”
I would like to see a retraction from the NYT of the advertisement.
Thank you for considering my request,