Stop and smell the roses

Or blow the dandelions! Carrie and Torsten met up with Joan and Eva down at the duck pond (Rotary Park) and Carrie got some great photos. Check the gallery.

We are having a fun and busy summer–and a hard time keeping up with blogging and e-documenting it all! Torsten is biking, enjoying swimming lessons (movie) (and swim pictures), and plenty more. We have a slew (or a few, depending on if you are T’s grandma or not!) of movies are posted at

We’ll sort and blog those movies sometime… So the sentiment of stopping and smelling the roses is a perfect mantra (as we pack to hop on the ferry up to Haines this weekend).

blog, gallery, and comments

Matt here.  I broke the photo gallery.  I did an upgrade to version 2.2.something, so that I could add videos directly to the gallery, now it doesn’t work.  I hope to get it fixed tonight!  I’ve also heard from a few people that I should fix comments–I was getting approximately 10 “Spam” comments per day and got sick of it, so I added the “spam filter” (do an easy math problem) and that wasn’t quite working right.  So I’ll put getting comments working correctly up on the list of things to do.  While I’m hacking away on these things, I’ll let you enjoy at least one new picture of the family.. We went up the tram with Chip, Missy, and Adelie last Sat–lots of snow still up there!  Hopefully the gallery will be fixed and more pictures will follow!

Last Kindermusick of Spring 2007

Torsten and Matt generally went to Kindermusick on Wed evenings the Fall and Spring 2007.  Torsten sometimes didn’t want to leave mom behind, but he generally had a blast with Miss Bernie and music.  Carrie took Torsten to the last class of the spring (Matt was in Fairbanks), and she remembered to take the camera.  If you want, check the whole gallery.  Carter and Torsten knew that stripes were in, I guess.  I’ll add the movies soon!


Beach Hike

We went out to Boy Scout Beach with Chip, Missy, and Adelie two weeks ago.  It was a great day–parts of the trail still had really deep snow, while other parts were melted off completely.  The wind off the ocean was a bit chilly, so we found a tree sheltered area for our picnic.  If the pictures below aren’t more than enough, there’s the gallery, as usual.

Gram and Gramp visit

Still catching up in t-h blog.  We enjoyed a great visit from Gram and Gramp.  Lots of great grandparent time for Torsten, a good bit of snow shoveling, some good walks, lots of good house “puttering”/fix-ups (THANKS!), and even a little skiing for Matt & Carrie–woohoo!  As always, if these pictures aren’t enough, all the rest are in the gallery.

family tradition (ice cream!) Making sure Torsten understands the importance of ice cream as a family tradition.

snowy walk with Gram/Gramp Out for a snowy walk (at Dredge Lakes) with Gram and Gramp.

lots of snow Lots of snow to shovel!  Woohoo!

new sweater!    A new sweater Gramknit–showing Torsten how to fix a button.

readin' with Gramp Reading with Gramp (after playing with trains).

And a family photo:

Auke Lake Ski

On a sunny day of yore (back on Feb 23.. we’re trying to catch up here at t-h blog), we went out skiing across Auke Lake with Abbey. David, Dylan, and Jill joined us. It was a glorious day of skiing, and several more pictures are at the gallery from that day.

Go home Wolfie! Good Wolf.

Torsten, Carrie, Matt, Suka, and Kita went for a ski on Mendenhall Lake. We got there and the Mendenhall wolf (Romeo, people have named him) was there, looking for some dog playmates. It was a bit strange and also a neat experience. Suka was ready to play chase, but Romeo was a bit big and heavy to want to do so much sprinting. Here the wolf is checking out Torsten and photographer:

Torsten and Mendenhall Wolf

We watched the wolf for a while, then Carrie went off for a ski while Torsten and Matt skied then walked around in the snow. The wolf followed Carrie (and the dogs) very closely (wanting to play!). While watching, Matt wondered what he might say to the wolf in that situation “Go home wolf!” doesn’t quite seem right when the wolf is home. Carrie said the wolf was a little too close, so she came back. Here’s the wolf and Kita “shadowing” each other.

Kita and Mendenhall wolf

Here’s Carrie skiing off towards the glacier. Kita is near her, and the wolf is over to the right.

Carrie skiing wolf

Check out the whole photo gallery of the afternoon.

This is the same wolf who came to visit us at the John Muir cabin back in 2004 when Torsten was only 5-6 weeks old. (No photos of the wolf, but the gallery of the John Muir trip (Torsten’s first camping trip) is fun to look at. It is hard to believe Torsten was ever that small!)

Lovin’ (Shovelin’) the Snow

Torsten’s latest way of being a great help around the house is helping dad shovel the snow in the driveway and on the porch. He’s already graduated up from the avalanche shovel.

shovelin' snow with Torsten

North Shore

Matt took the afternoon off from the conference to head up to the North Shore and the Waimea Valley Audubon Center (at Ed’s recommendation–thanks Ed!). Kristen, Jarrod, Ava, and Willa all went along with Carrie, Matt, and Torsten. We hiked up to the falls and pool and all went for at least a good wade in the pool. Here’s the whole gang at the international market where we ate dinner last night.